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Prune Deer 話梅鹿 is a Hong Kong instrumental-rock band that formed in 2013, the music of us are no longer bounded by a single genre, as we begin to create an unique style of our own. The sophomore album [Chemistry 化學] 3 years {2015] after their debut album 'Solid Transparency 實心透明' displays the musically progressive mind and the maturing of this very young band. Released in a beautiful special limited A5 CD.


話梅鹿,來自香港的四人器樂搖滾樂隊,於二零一三年的初春組成,音樂帶微微的夢幻感、旋律時而溫柔、節奏時而激昂,不斷變化的拍子和段落貫穿了我們的音樂。現時四名成員為 自然 Nature (節奏吉他手)、城鋒 S.F. Tang (主奏吉他手)、千邦 Narziss (低音吉他手) 以及 坤城 Kwan Shing (鼓手)。


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Prune Deer - Chemistry (A5 DigiCD)



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