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作家相片音樂火鍋 Music Hotpot

音樂火鍋 <新湯料> Music Hotpot <New Ingredients> 15.6.22

Music Hotpot <New Ingredients>

Irregular listing of new release songs from various musicians.

No opinions or judgments, simply listen and be your own judge.

Follow/like their Facebook/IG/YouTube page and PM us If you have new release songs!


Jun 15, 2022

1. JA X MOSlow X SÖN - 天台 (Cho Wavy De Gomenne Remix)

2. Michelle Lo 盧曉瑩 - 再見門司港

3. Anna hisbbuR - Dancing cus its raining feat. Jan Curious

4. Revery - MARIO

5. 壞碑唇 - 笑著說謊 Lying Smile


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JA X MOSlow X SÖN - 天台 (Cho Wavy De Gomenne Remix)

Director/Editor/Colour : Boris Wong @boris1027_

Dop: Gary Chan @ch.9gary

Focus puller: Wong Chiu Cham, Roy @roywong95

Gaffer: llc @llllllllll_c

Drone/Still photography: Keith Au @keau.28

Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Jessie Yau @jessiecyy

Title Art: Windi Wu @windiwuyy

Mixing: 天行 @siutinhang



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Michelle Lo 盧曉瑩 - 再見門司港








編:林恩成 / 李清揚




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Anna hisbbuR - Dancing cus its raining feat. Jan Curious

Composed and lyrics by Anna hisbbuR and Jan Curious

Guitar played and arranged by Morris Chau

Arranged and produced by Anna hisbbuR



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Revery - MARIO

常言道:「人生如戲,戲如人生。」 透過電影可以反思人生,其實透過遊戲亦未嘗不可。

來到2022年,Revery 接下來將會逐一分享我們喜歡的遊戲,以遊戲的角度面對世界。 首先送給大家 - Mario。


作曲: Revery

作詞: 梁柏堅

編曲: Revery, J1M3

監製: Sammy So@Kolor, Robin Law@Kolor, Revery



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壞碑唇 - 笑著說謊 Lying Smile

主唱:D.M. Charmaine

曲:D.M. Charmaine/何兆基 Chris Ho


編:何兆基 Chris Ho



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