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作家相片音樂火鍋 Music Hotpot

音樂火鍋 <新湯料> Music Hotpot <New Ingredients> 12.11.2024

音樂火鍋 <新湯料> Music Hotpot <New Ingredients> 12.11.2024

Irregular listing of new release songs from various musicians.

No opinions or judgments, simply listen and be your own judge.

Follow/like their Facebook/IG/YouTube page and PM us If you have new release songs!

每次不定期介紹唔同嘅新歌, 但不作評論! 好唔好聽, 你哋自己聽吓作判斷, 純粹比多一個機會唔同嘅音樂人分享吓佢哋嘅音樂. 鍾意嘅話就 follow/like 吓佢哋嘅 Facebook/IG/YouTube啦!

如果你哋有新歌就快d PM比我哋啦!


Nov 12, 2024

1. 柯智棠 Kowen - For Me

2. AVALANCHE - Sky Castle

3. SÖN - Every End Of The Day

4. Kylis 孔惠佳 - Let You Go

5. HINRY - The Enemy (1 Peter 5:8) 像咆哮的獅子


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柯智棠 Kowen - For Me

“Part of me is made of glass, and also, I love you.” ― Nicole Krauss, The History of Love

「有一部分的我,由玻璃組成;同時,我愛你。」 妮可・克勞斯《愛的歷史》


終其一生,人都在找尋意義,生命的意義、工作的意義,愛的意義;到底,是什麼讓我們愛上另一個人?像是不用言說的本能,我們追尋著愛,愛著,也希望被愛;柯智棠〈For Me(對我來說)〉就是一首探討這門課題的浪漫歌曲。創作時,柯智棠自問:「為什麼我們會愛上、愛著另一個人?」探討愛的動機、時刻,是否因為對方身上的特質?或是因為自己生命的狀態,與他者在對的時刻互相碰撞?是否,也因著自己當下那刻的存在?


Love is for you and for me



詞 Lyricist / 曲 Composer:柯智棠 Kowen



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AVALANCHE - Sky Castle

Compose, Lyrics & Arrangement: AVALANCHE

Producing: Chester Cheung @AVALANCHE

Mixing & Mastering: Chester Cheung @AVALANCHE



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SÖN - Every End Of The Day

Composed & Lyrics by SÖN



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Kylis 孔惠佳 - Let You Go

孔惠佳 Kylis 走到哀慟五步曲的最後一步《Let You Go》。走過了《Never Let You Go》的否認、《Love Me Not?》的憤怒、《廢人》的抑鬱與自我放逐、《孤獨星人》的自我開解,在《Let You Go》中我們一起與 Kylis 放下這一段傷痛。

有趣的是,在這首歌中的音樂部分,完全來自《Never Let You Go》,創作團隊在討論中認為否認與接受本應是正反的一對,於是在音樂編排上《Let You Go》正是反轉了的《Never Let You Go》,再在音樂上創作出全新的旋律。

《Let You Go》的放下,成為 Kylis 在這音樂階段裡的一個終章,帶着電子的氛圍、一份落寞離開的幽怨,讓大家一起經歷這個由五首單曲組成的哀慟故事。

To the 5th and last stage of grief, Kylis Hung is bringing us to a relief in 《Let You Go》. Unlike the denial from 《Never Let You Go》, the anger from《Love Me Not?》, the depressed mood from《廢人》and the self-arrogation from《孤獨星人》, 《Let You Go》leads us to the exit of a tragic emotion to a bigger and more open world.

The music in 《Let You Go》is surprisingly an exact reverese of the 1st single of Kylis 《Never Let You Go》, which is also the 1st stage of grief in this story. The creative crew believes that denial and acceptance of the grief is the two sides of a coin, and the arrangement could best reflect this idea with an exact reverse of the music arrangement.

From《Let You Go》, Kylis ends one of her music eras, and she brought us a beautiful and emotional story with 5 wonderful singles.



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HINRY - The Enemy (1 Peter 5:8) 像咆哮的獅子

Composer/ Lyricist/ Arranger/ Producer / Mixing Engineer ; Hinry Lay



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