音樂火鍋 <新湯料>
每次不定期介紹唔同嘅新歌, 但不作評論!
好唔好聽, 你哋自己聽吓作判斷, 純粹比多一個機會唔同嘅音樂人分享吓佢哋嘅音樂.
鍾意嘅話就 follow/like 吓佢哋嘅 Facebook/IG/YouTube, 或者下載我哋個 APP 啦!
如果你哋有新歌就快d PM比我哋啦!
Music Hotpot <New Ingredients>
Irregular listing of new release songs from various musicians.
No opinions or judgments, simply listen and be your own judge.
Follow/like their Facebook/IG/YouTube page as you please, and remember to download our APP too!
PM us If you have new release songs!
[March 11, 2021]
1. 驚愕花 GAINORVA - 無感
2. Ida Lee - Passiflora edulis
3. Kiri T - 10,000ft.
4. Yusobeit - 相擁萬歲
5. Novel Friday - REPLY 致明日的舞

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驚愕花 GAINORVA - 無感
曲: 驚愕花 Gainorva
詞: 驚愕花 Gainorva
編: 驚愕花 Gainorva
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gainorvahkband
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gainorvahkband/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ZH9EcvDQfolyhZHEzqGDw/
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Ida Lee - Passiflora edulis
《 Passiflora edulis 》(中譯:《熱情果》) 就是在這樣的情境寫下的。在這個讓人來不及消化的世界,還有沒有空間,讓我們談一場洗盡鉛華的戀愛,重拾對生活的熱情?
曲/詞 Composition/Lyrics: Ida Lee
編 Arrangement: Fabien Wong
監 Produced by: Thomas Lo, Fabien Wong, Ida Lee
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leepuichiida
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leepuichiida/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHGTiLyY53tod51sRj2Pzg/
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Kiri T - 10,000ft.
This song goes out to all those who sometimes feel undeserving of and hard to love.
//I’m sorry I make it so hard to love me.// - 10,000ft.
Written by: Kiri T, Lux Pyramid, George Morgan
Produced by: Lux Pyramid, Kiri T
Mixed by: Lux Pyramid
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kiritmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kiri_thy/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfG42mAZXV1Rejj64MZszw/
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Yusobeit - 相擁萬歲
直到我碰見妳, 便知道只要可以抱著妳, 無論宇宙裡發生甚麼事, 我的世界從此已是無比的和平。
Music composed by YUSOBEIT
Lyrics by YU
Arranged by YUSOBEIT / Derek Kwan@ Orange Production
Produced by YUSOBEIT / Derek Kwan@ Orange Production
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yusobeit
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yusobeit/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnpB-Rx_bpTbjDuD02eyE0Q/
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Novel Friday - REPLY 致明日的舞
Presented by Greytone Entertainment Limited & Kingdom C Edinfortainment Group "YOUNG BLOOD"
Lyrics by Novel Friday
Composed by Novel Friday
Produced by BERT744, KENI
Arranged by J1M3, MAEL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/novelfriday
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/novelfriday/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GREYTONE/