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Sober Jas 甦白
Sober Jas 甦白
甦白 Sober Jas是一位在香港土生土長的獨立音樂人。從小在中西文化交融的土壤成長,培養出他對音樂的獨特見解。在海外留學期間受到不同的音樂文化衝擊,使其音樂風格游走於傳統廣東流行曲和Hyperpop之間。
Sober Jas is a Hong Kong-born and raised independent musician. Growing up in a soil where East meets West, he developed a unique perspective on music. During his time studying abroad, he was impacted by various music cultures, which made his music style wander between traditional Cantopop and Hyperpop.

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