Ron Tso 曹朗
Ron Tso 曹朗
畢業於溫哥華音樂學院, 及獲得皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏級文憑及英國聖三一音樂學院鋼琴演奏二級文憑。多年前起創作音樂, 至今創作過愈數百首曲詞作品, 曾於加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽(溫哥華)中獲得最具聲勢大獎, 於英文歌曲創作大賽(多倫多)中獲得金獎, 最佳作詞獎, 及最佳編曲獎,及華研全球華人詞曲創作大賽(台灣/北京)最後10強等等。曾為舞台劇,微電影,廣告,以及大型機構創作主題曲及音樂,並曾與Mr、林二汶、譚詠麟、JW、糖妹、張繼聰等歌手合作。擅長一手包辦作曲、編曲及主唱。現為香港作曲家及作詞家會員。
Ron has attained the ARCT diploma, diploma of musical performance from the Vancouver Academy of Music, and LTCL in piano performance from the Trinity College London. He started writing songs in Cantonese, Mandarin and English since years ago, and achieved numerous awards including the Audience Favourite Award from the Canadian Chinese Song-writers Quest (Vancouver) and the Champion, Best Lyrics and Best Arrangement Awards from the English Song-writers Quest (Toronto), and top 10 finalist in the HIM Global Song/Lyrics Writing Contest (Taiwan/ Beijing). He has written music for stage dramas, micro-films, commercials and major institutions and is good at being the songwriter, music arranger and vocalist at the same time. Ron collaborated with artists like Mr, Eman Lam, Alan Tam, JW, Kandy Wong, Louis Cheung etc. He is currently a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong.
In addition, Ron graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of British Columbia, and Juris Doctor and Master of Arts in Music degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.