音樂火鍋 Music Hotpot


音樂火鍋 <新湯料> Music Hotpot <New Ingredients> 5.11.20

音樂火鍋 <新湯料>

每次不定期介紹唔同嘅新歌, 但不作評論!

好唔好聽, 你哋自己聽吓作判斷.

鍾意嘅話就 follow/like 吓佢哋嘅 Facebook/IG/Youtube.


如果你哋有新歌就快d PM比我哋啦!


Music Hotpot <New Ingredients>

Irregular listing of new release songs from various musicians.

No opinions or judgments, simply listen and be your own judge.

Follow/like their Facebook/IG/Youtube page as you please.

PM us If you have new release songs!


[November 5, 2020]

1. T-Ma X Teresa - Softly

2. TYSON YOSHI - Something

3. 謝雅兒 - 不期而遇 The Unexpected Rendezvous

4. 葉巧琳 Mischa Ip - 二人份

5. Vicky Fung 馮穎琪 - 靈魂有洞

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T-Ma X Teresa - Softly

“Softly” is a R&B Disco Pop song by Singaporean singer Teresa and HK music producer T-Ma.

The lyrics describe a budding romantic relationship between a young couple.

In the song, they are clearly infatuated with each other, although the pace that they want to progress is slightly different.

“Baby don’t you say you love me and kiss me while you turn and leave.” This lyric perfectly sums up what they are feeling but just on different time frames.

The girl is eager to move on to the next step after a romantic night out, while the guy wants to take things slow because he doesn’t want it to be just a fling.

So at the end of the song, they both agree that to make things work, they will have to love each other “Softly”.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsengyongxiteresa

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teresatyx/ (Teresa) / https://www.instagram.com/tma68/ (T-Ma)

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Teresa%E6%9B%BE%E8%A9%A0%E7%86%99TYX/

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TYSON YOSHI - Something

Composed & Lyrics by Gareth Tong & Tyson Yoshi

Produce by Gareth Tong & SILVERSTRIKE

Mix & Master by SILVERSTRIKE


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tysonxyoshi

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysonyoshi/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TysonYoshi/

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謝雅兒 - 不期而遇 The Unexpected Rendezvous

【原創】《不期而遇》分開了 也放開了 傷痛過後沉澱過後 偶然回想到我們綻放的歲月 甜蜜還是比酸苦來得多 回頭已是百年身 如果我們不知道多久以後在路上偶遇 還會認得出對方嗎?





Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ngayiii

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ngayiii/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/%E8%AC%9D%E9%9B%85%E5%85%92/

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葉巧琳 Mischa Ip - 二人份


旋律方面,今次Mischa再次找來來自斯德哥爾摩的Olof Lindskog及Josephine Glenmark,二人因為Writing Camp與Mischa而結緣,今次在〈二人份〉再次合譜旋律,不過這次合作卻波折重重。其實Olof、Josephine及Mischa早在去年10月已開始創作,並已想到「Morning After」的主題,由於遙距工作,來來回回本已花上不少時間,加上聖誕新年假期、Olof家中出了狀況又回到澳洲的家,導致整個製作都迫於無奈需要暫停,直到今年4月,整個旋律終於拍板開始錄製。向來唱得的Mischa坦言:「今次嘅錄音係有難度,特別係 chorus部份,因為歌曲有stacking vocal,全部都由我自己錄,所以都花上不少時間在灌錄歌曲之上。」加上疫情的不穩定,〈二人份〉最終也只能延遲才能推出。


曲: Olof Lindskog/ Josephine Glenmark/ 葉巧琳

詞: 林寶 編: Olof Lindskog/ Josephine Glenmark

監: Edward Chan


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MischaIpOfficial

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mischaip/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVnsOGH2gJQqBHA2-vA_s-w/

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Vicky Fung 馮穎琪 - 靈魂有洞


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vickyneverhome

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vickyneverhome/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VickyFung%E9%A6%AE%E7%A9%8E%E7%90%AA/
